We welcome you to talk with one of our membership committee members if you have questions or download a comprehensive membership application below. The next date for membership approval is in May 2025. Applications for consideration must be in by May 1, 2025. Do you have a business associate you'd like to share the opportunity of membership with? Download our one-page informational sheet here.
Ben Conn | Ben Mondloch | Frank Radell | Nick Sykora |
Networking – Through the online directory and the annual conference EBMA Members develop and maintain business and personal relationships with other professionals in their industry. Our one-on-one, wholesale/publisher meetings continue to be one of the most celebrated aspects of the association. Education – EBMA is dedicated to bringing talented and informative presenters to its annual meeting to tackle industry issues. We provide members with ongoing professional development such as webinars throughout the year to further advance industry initiatives. | Industry Knowledge – EBMA is committed to keeping its members updated on the latest industry trends including school and library funding and technology standards. EBMA’s involvement in the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) helps keep members apprised of many technical standards. |
Who qualifies for membership?
Wholesaler Members - You are an owner of/employed by a distribution company of books and media-related products that are sold to educational institutions; and have been in business for at least 1 year.
Publisher Members - You are an owner of/employed by a publisher of books and media products designed for the school and library markets; you’ve been in business for a min of 5 years; you make your books/media related products available to all members of the EBMA Wholesale Membership; you publish at least 24 original new books and/or media products annually while maintaining an active backlist; you publish books/media related products with no less than 60% educational focus.
After reviewing supporting data from the applicant and considering any data provided by board members, the EBMA Board of Directors determines if a member applicant meets membership requirements.
If you wish to apply, please submit your application via (see above) by email.
In order to be considered for membership, prospective members must submit their applications no later than 10 weeks prior to the start of the annual meeting. The next date for membership approval is May 2025; applications must be submitted by May 1, 2025 for consideration.
Timeline for approval: