Our May Board Meeting yielded many exciting results. Among items discussed were the 2016 conference survey results, which were considered in the creation of the theme and core educational sessions for our 2017 annual conference. Our conference co-chairs, Joyce Skokut and Cletus Durkin, have made great strides and are off to a productive start in creating a timely, innovative program for 2017. To support the conference and the Association the Board approved a viable budget for the upcoming year, proposed by Treasurer Nancy Stetzinger.
Upon review and reports by each committee The Board saw the need to develop additional committees to actively support our Association's mission. You'll find more details about these committees and other news as you read this exciting edition of our EBMA newsletter.
Have a great summer!
Jill Faherty President, EBMA Director of Children's and Teen Services, Baker & Taylor jillfaherty@gmail.com