Company: Teacher Created Materials
Name of the Product or Initiative: Exploration Storytime Series
Describe the new product/initiative:
49 titles across Fiction Books, Traditional Songs & Poems, and Nonfiction Wordless.
What prompted this initiative?
One series to enhance cognitive, social, and emotional growth. And prepare kids for kindergarten.
What need does this fill for the end user?
Complete series for family reading engagement during storytime and reading skills for kindergarten.
What is the cost to the end user?
$9.99 per title. Thematic sets available.
What makes your product unique?
Perfect for classroom, library, or home settings. There is book for all styles of storytime
Where can people learn more?
Click here for brochure
Company: Beanstalk Books / Junior Learning
Name of the Product or Initiative: Decodable Chapter Books
Describe the new product/initiative: Decodable Reader - Chapter Books.
We have seen a need for decodable texts in a larger book format that will appeal to older readers.
What is the cost to the end user? $29.99
Click here for sale sheet
Company: Storyshares
Name of the Product or Initiative: Decodable Chapter Books for High School Students
Describe the new product/initiative: This series includes 39 decodable texts across 8 chapter books.
To give high school students culturally relevant decodable texts at their skill and interest levels.
For students, this series allows them to read a book independently, perhaps for the first time!
The series costs $159.99. An intervention set (6 copies) costs $865.99.
Educational Book & Media Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
P.O. Box 3363, Warrenton, VA 20188 Ph. 540-318-7770