• Summer 2014 Newsletter
EBMA Summer 2014 Newsletter - Save the Date & Dues Reminder
Summer 2014
A Newsletter to Keep EBMA Membership Informed.

About EBMA
The mission of the Educational Book and Media Association is to foster a unique community that brings together a wide range of wholesalers and publishers in order to address the ever changing book & media buying needs of the educational marketplace.

EBMA Annual Dues Renewal Reminder

EBMA has mailed the annual dues reminders for the 2014-2015 membership year. If you are the administrator for your company's membership, you should have received a copy of your invoice by now.


Please email meeting@edupaperback.org or call 540-318-7770 for updates about your company or for questions regarding your membership renewal. As a reminder, membership is required for attending the 2015 EBMA Annual Meeting.  


EBMA is always looking for ways to keep our community informed about the activities of members.  If there have been changes within your company, such as new employees, or if you have press releases that you would like to share with the EBMA membership, EBMA wants to know about it.  Please send these press releases to info@edupaperback.org. 


EBMA 2015 Annual Meeting - Save the Date
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Educational Book and Media Association will be held January 12-15, 2015 at The Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel, one block from the world-famous French Quarter in downtown New Orleans, LA.
Registration for the annual meeting will open in September, watch your inbox in September for complete meeting details including registration fees, how to register, meeting agenda and the deadline schedule.
If you have questions regarding the meeting, please email meeting@edupaperback.org or call 540-318-7770.
Highlights of the May 2014 EBMA Board Meeting
The EBMA Board of Directors met in May for their Spring Board Meeting in New Orleans. Highlights and outcomes of the meeting included:
  • Presentation and acceptance of the EBMA 2014-2015 fiscal year budget
  • Decision to keep membership dues amount and the meeting registration amount the same as previous years
  • Discussed integration with other organizations to maximize member benefits
  • Discussed the 2015 meeting program and the 2014 Ludington Award, program specifics and the Ludington Award winner will be announced in the Fall
  • Reviewed the EBMA policy manual about guidelines of invited speakers at the annual meeting 

If you have questions about the work of the board or updates, please contact info@edupaperback.org.   

Connect with EBMA on LinkedIn
Last Fall, EBMA launched an official LinkedIn group page that is open only to current active members of the association. Join the group today to network and connect with other EBMA members! We ask that you please respect the privacy of group members, and do not advertise your organization, or service offerings through this group.

Educational Book & Media Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 3363, Warrenton, VA 20188
Ph. 540-318-7770


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