Follett Content Solutions Follett Book eFairs

07 Jun 2024 4:20 PM | Anonymous

Company: Follett Content Solutions

Name of the Product or Initiative: Follett Book eFairs

Describe the new product/initiative:

Follett Content Solutions is relaunching online book fundraisers in the fall of 2024. A Follett Book eFair is fun and easy way to get the book fair experience without the hassle of setting up and running a physical fair. Book eFairs are available to all PreK-8 schools in the US, and there is no minimum sales requirement. For every dollar earned through the online book fundraiser, schools will receive a percentage back in Titlewave® credit that can be used to buy books to enhance both school and classroom libraries. Book eFairs feature a wide selection of affordable, physical books, with hundreds of new releases and popular fiction and nonfiction titles from leading PreK-8 publishers, providing students an opportunity to select genres, authors and topics they are passionate about.

What prompted this initiative?

The recognition that with ESSER funds expiring in September, educators will soon need additional ways to raise funds to help them build school and classroom libraries. After looking at various ways to support school fundraising, updating and relaunching Follett Book eFairs stood out as the best way to put a literacy focused fundraising offering back in the market.

What need does this fill for the end user?

For educators, Follett Book eFairs provides them with a fundraiser that is easy to run and focused on promoting literacy within their school community.

For students and parents/guardians, Follett Book eFairs give them access to hundreds of titles to help them build their home libraries.

What is the cost to the end user?

Follett Book eFairs are free to run! For every dollar earned through the online fair, schools will receive a percentage back in Titlewave® credit that can be used to grow school and classroom libraries.

Marketing Budget: $100,000

What makes your product unique?

  • Easy setup (5 minutes!)
  • No minimum sales requirements
  • Open to all PreK-8 schools in the US
  • The best selection of titles
  • Free shipping
  • Effortless distribution
  • Titlewave® rewards

Where can people learn more?

Educational Book & Media Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 3363, Warrenton, VA 20188
Ph. 540-318-7770

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