2025 Annual Meeting Company Attendees

Table numbers are next to your the company listed.  A Group companies meet on the morning (PST) of January 28, afternoon of January 29, and first morning session of January 30 (ends approximately 10:40 AM).  B Group companies meet on the afternoon (PST) of January 28, morning  of January 29, and second morning session of January 30 (ends approximately 11:55 AM).  Please use your table number for shipping purposes.

Online Profile Books of EBMA Members (member login required)


American Reading Company (Table 70)

Baker & Taylor (Table 71)

Bookworm Central (Table 72)

Bound to Stay Bound Books (Table 73)

Brodart Co. (Table 74)

Central Programs Inc./Gumdrop Books (Table 75)

Classroom Library Company (Table 76)

Follett Content Solutions (Table 77)

hoopla digital (Table 78)

Ingram Content Group (Table 79)

Interstate Books4School (Table 80)

Junior Library Guild (Table 81)

Kibeam (Table 101)

Leading LLC (Table 82)

Lectorum Publications (Table 83)

Libraria (formerly Children's Plus, Inc.) (Table 84)

Mackin (Table 85)

Mackin - Booksource (Table 86)

Mrs. Nelson's Book Company (Table 87)

OverDrive  (Table 88)

Perma-Bound Books  (Table 89)

PJ Library/Harold Grinspoon Foundation  (Table 90)

Renaissance Learning  (Table 91)

Steps to Literacy  (Table 92)


CG Book Printers  (Table 93)

Edelweiss by Above the Treeline (Table 94)

Focus Strategic Communications Inc. (Table 95)

Forum Communications Printing (Table 96)

HF Group (Table 97)

MetaMetrics (Table 98)

R & R Bindery Service (Table 99)

School Library Journal (Table 100)


ABDO (Table 7, Group B)

Abrams Books (Table 8, Group B)

Andrews McMeel Publishing (Table 9, Group B)

Annick Press (Table 10, Group B)

Arcadia Publishing  (Table 11, Group B)

Arte Publico Press  (Table 12, Group B)

Barefoot Books  (Table 13, Group B)

Beanstalk Books  (Table 14, Group B)

Black Sands Entertainment  (Table 15, Group B)

Bloomsbury Publishing (Table 16, Group A)

Bushel & Peck Books  (Table 17, Group A)

Candlewick Press (Table 5, Group A)

Capstone (Table 18, Group A)

Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc.  (Table 19, Group A)

Cherry Lake Publishing Group/Sleeping Bear Press (Table 20, Group A)

Child's Play (Table 21, Group A)

Chronicle Books (Table 22, Group A)

Clavis Publishing (Table 23, Group A)

Consortium Books Sales & Distribution (Table 24, Group A)

DK Publishing, Inc. (Table 25, Group A)

Eerdmans Publishing Co.  (Table 26, Group A)

Flowerpot Children's Press   (Table 27, Group A)

FlutterBee Education Group - Bearport Publishing (Table 2, Group A)

FlutterBee Education Group - Bellwether Media (Table 3, Group A)

FlutterBee Education Group - Jump! (Table 4, Group A)

Fox Chapel Publishing  (Table 28, Group A)

Greystone Books (Table 29, Group A)

Groundwood Books (Table 30, Group A)

Hachette Book Group (Table 31, Group A)

HarperCollins Publishers (Table 32, Group A)

Holiday House/Peachtree/Pixel, Inc.  (Table 6, Group A)

Independent Publishers Group  (Table 33, Group A)

Inhabit Media Inc. (Table 34, Group A)

Kids Can Press (Table 35, Group A)

Lectorum Publications  (Table 36, Group A)

Lee & Low Books (Table 37, Group A)

Lerner Publishing Group (Table 38, Group A)

Lightbox Learning Inc. (Table 39, Group A)

Little Bee Books (Table 40, Group A)

Macmillan Publishers (Table 41, Group A)

Merriam-Webster, Inc./ Federal Street Press (Table 42, Group A)

Mitchell Lane Publishers  (Table 43, Group A)

North Star Editions  (Table 45, Group A)

Orca Book Publishers (Table 46, Group A)

Owlkids Books (Table 47, Group B)

Paw Prints Publishing (Table 48, Group B)

Penguin Random House (Table 49, Group B)

Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (Table 50, Group B)

Penguin Random House, Penguin Young Readers (Table 51, Group B)

Penguin Random House, Random House Children's (Table 52, Group B)

Publishers Group West  (Table 53, Group B)

Quarto Group, The (Table 54, Group B)

Reycraft Books/Newmark Learning  (Table 44, Group A)

Rosen Publishing (Table 55, Group B)

Scholastic, Inc. (Table 56, Group B)

Scholastic Teaching Solutions (Table 57, Group B)

Second Story Press (Table 58, Group B)

Simon & Schuster (Table 59, Group B)

Sourcebooks (Table 60, Group B)

Spanish Publishers  (Table 61, Group B)

Teacher Created Materials (Table 62, Group B)

The Child's World (Table 63, Group B)

The Creative Company (Table 64, Group B)

Two Rivers Distribution (Table 65, Group B)

Union Square & Co. (Table 66, Group B)

Vista Higher Learning, Inc. (Table 67, Group B)

W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (Table 68, Group B)

Xist Publishing (Table 69, Group B)

Educational Book & Media Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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Ph. 540-318-7770


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